Articulation Therapy For Children | The Speech People
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Speech Therapy For Children

Articulation Therapy

Articulation Therapy for Children

Articulation is a classic speech therapy area of focus.  It is simply the process of producing speech sounds.  Different sounds appear in typically developing children’s speech at different times.  An articulation delay exists if a child cannot produce a sound when most children their age have acquired that sound.  Our SLPs will assess which sounds your child can or cannot say and determine if their speech errors are developmentally appropriate.  Articulation therapy involves physically teaching children how to produce individual sounds correctly and then systematically practicing these new motor patterns in words, phrases, sentences and conversation.

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Feel Free To Contact Us Anytime

We are proud to have provided Ottawa with the highest quality of Speech and Language Therapy to both children and adults since 1999.  Feel free to contact us anytime to ask us any questions you may have or even schedule your first appointment.


    210 Centrum Blvd, Suite 216
    Ottawa, Ontario, K1E 3V7


    Tel: 613-824-1800
    Fax: 613-824-3306