Speech Therapy for Children | The Speech People
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Therapy for Children

Child Speech Therapy

Speech is the production of sounds to make words. Clear speech allows children to share their thoughts, ideas and feelings and interact meaningfully with peers and family. When speech clarity is compromised, conversations and interactions become limited and social skills and self-confidence may be impacted. Working with families, The Speech People support children in learning to speak clearly and confidently.

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Speech Therapy For Children

For children, we offer services for speech, language, stuttering/stammering, voice, resonance, tongue-thrust, phonological awareness/early literacy, and social skills.

Articulation Therapy for Children

Articulation is a classic speech therapy area of focus. It is simply the process of producing speech sounds.

Phonology Therapy for Children

Phonological processes are modifications that typically developing children make to groups of sounds to simplify speech as they are learning to talk.

Childhood Apraxia of Speech Therapy for Children

Childhood Apraxia of Speech is a speech challenge in which children have difficulty making accurate and consistent movements when trying to speak.

Stuttering/Stammering Therapy for Children

Stuttering occurs when the flow of speech is disrupted by repetitions of sounds or words, prolongations of sounds or complete blocking of airflow.

Voice Therapy for Children

The voice is produced through a complex interaction of breathing, sound production by the voicebox/larynx and resonance in the mouth and nose.

Resonance Therapy for Children

Resonance refers to the way airflow for speech is shaped as it passes through the oral (mouth) and nasal (nose) cavities.

Tongue-Thrust/Myofunctional Therapy for Children

The voice is produced through a complex interaction of breathing, sound production by the voicebox/larynx and resonance in the mouth and nose.

Want to learn more about the services we offer?

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