Language Therapy for Children | The Speech People
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Language Therapy For Children

Language Therapy

Understanding words and sentences used by others and creatively using words and sentences to express our thoughts, ideas and emotions is what makes us distinctly human. Language is a complex system that allows us to use sounds, words, and sentences to interact with others in meaningful ways. It involves both comprehension and expression. Children’s language skills develop through playful, interactive experiences, abundant and motivating opportunities for speaking and listening, and regular experiences with books. The development of language skills provides the foundation for social awareness and academic learning and is critical to later literacy development.

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Language & Other Therapies for Children

Understanding words and sentences used by others and creatively using words and sentences to express our thoughts, ideas and emotions is what makes us distinctly human.

Receptive Language Therapy for Children

Receptive language skill refers to the ability to understand the language produced by others. It involves comprehending concepts in order to create meaning.

Expressive Language Therapy for Children

Expressive language skill refers to the ability to create a message that others will understand.

Auditory Processing Therapy for Children

Auditory processing is the recognition and interpretation of sounds we hear after that sound has travelled through the ear to the brain.

Phonological Awareness and Pre-Literacy Therapy for Children

Phonological awareness refers to a group of pre-reading skills that involve the ability to analyze the sound structure of words.

Autism and Social Language Therapy for Children

Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), is a lifelong developmental disorder. Children on this very wide and varied spectrum may have challenges with learning and socializing.

Want to learn more about the services we offer?

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