Phonological Awareness and Early Literacy | The Speech People
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Language Therapy For Children

Phonological Awareness & Early Literacy Therapy For Children

Phonological Awareness

Phonological awareness refers to a group of pre-reading skills that involve the ability to analyze the sound structure of words.  Identifying the number of syllables in a word and recognizing rhyme are part of early developing phonological awareness.  Later, children are able to detect individual sounds in words and manipulate those sounds – this is called phonemic awareness.  A child’s phonemic awareness is a powerful predictor of the likelihood of reading and spelling success. If a child is not meeting phonological awareness milestones, our SLPs will help them understand that words can be broken up into smaller parts, learn to hear and identify these syllables and sounds and manipulate (blend, add and remove) these component parts to ensure reading and spelling success.

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We are proud to have provided Ottawa with the highest quality of Speech and Language Therapy to both children and adults since 1999.  Feel free to contact us anytime to ask us any questions you may have or even schedule your first appointment.


    210 Centrum Blvd, Suite 216
    Ottawa, Ontario, K1E 3V7


    Tel: 613-824-1800
    Fax: 613-824-3306