All Speech and Language Services | The Speech People
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Speech Therapy For Children

It is never too late to change the way we speak. Strong speaking skills can powerfully contribute to confidence and success.

Apraxia of Speech Services

Childhood Apraxia of Speech is a speech challenge in which children have difficulty making accurate and consistent movements when trying to speak.

Articulation & Phonological Disorder Services

Phonological processes are modifications that typically developing children make to groups of sounds to simplify speech as they are learning to talk.

Stuttering / Stammering Services

Stuttering occurs when the flow of speech is disrupted by repetitions of sounds or words, prolongations of sounds or complete blocking of airflow.

Voice Disorders Services

The voice is produced through a complicated interaction of breathing, sound production by the voicebox/larynx and resonance in the mouth and nose.

Resonance Disorders Services

Resonance refers to the way airflow for speech is shaped as it passes through the oral and nasal cavities. During speech, air flows through the mouth for almost all speech sounds.

Tongue-Thrust/Myofunctional Therapy

When the tongue moves horizontally and forward against the front teeth rather than vertically towards the palate during a swallow, this is called a tongue-thrust.  A tongue-thrust is a problem if it threatens speech, dentition, or the effectiveness of orthodontic treatment.

Phonology Services

Phonological processes are modifications that typically developing children make to groups of sounds to simplify speech as they are learning to talk.

Language Therapy For Children

Understanding words and sentences used by others and creatively using words and sentences to express our thoughts, ideas and emotions is what makes us distinctly human.

Receptive Language Delay Therapy

Articulation is a classic speech therapy area of focus. It is simply the process of producing speech sounds.

Expressive Language Delay Therapy

Phonological processes are modifications that typically developing children make to groups of sounds to simplify speech as they are learning to talk.

Auditory Processing Disorder Therapy

Childhood Apraxia of Speech is a speech challenge in which children have difficulty making accurate and consistent movements when trying to speak.

Phonological Awareness & Early Literacy Therapy

Stuttering occurs when the flow of speech is disrupted by repetitions of sounds or words, prolongations of sounds or complete blocking of airflow.

Autism & Social Language Therapy

The voice is produced through a complex interaction of breathing, sound production by the voicebox/larynx and resonance in the mouth and nose.

Speech Therapy For Adults

The Speech People supports adults in working on speech, stuttering, voice and accent modification in order to communicate clearly, effectively and confidently.

Speech Therapy For Adults

Articulation is the process of producing speech sounds. It involves coordinated movement of the vocal cords, jaw, lips and tongue.

Stuttering and Stammering For Adults

Adults with a stutter have difficulty producing smooth speech and as a result can have difficulty effectively expressing thoughts, ideas and feelings.

Voice Therapy For Adults

The voice is produced through a complicated interaction of breathing, sound production by the voicebox/larynx and resonance in the mouth and nose.

Accent Modification for Adults

It is common that the pronunciation patterns of our first language affect the pronunciation of subsequent languages that we learn. This is an accent.

Feel Free To Contact Us Anytime

Whatever the level of support you require, we are sure that we will have a package that meets your needs. All of our virtual professionals are highly experienced in the areas in which they work and have been through a thorough recruitment process to ensure they deliver to the high standard that you would want for your business.


    210 Centrum Blvd, Suite 216
    Ottawa, Ontario, K1E 3V7


    Tel: 613-824-1800
    Fax: 613-824-3306