Voice Therapy For Adults | The Speech People
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Speech Therapy For Adults

Voice Therapy For Adults

Voice Therapy

The voice is produced through a complicated interaction of breathing, sound production by the voicebox/larynx and resonance in the mouth and nose.  A voice disorder is diagnosed when the voice chronically sounds hoarse or strained and is difficult or tiring to produce and not able to meet daily speaking demands.  Voice disorders in professionals that make daily use of their voices are typically due to strain on the vocal mechanism caused by misuse and poor vocal technique. We assist adults to generate a clear, strong voice that is produced effortlessly and doesn’t breakdown with frequent use. The Speech People requires a diagnosis and referral from an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor/otolaryngologist before we begin voice therapy.


A quiet voice can be a symptom of aging and several neurological conditions including Parkinson’s Disorder. LSVT Loud is a program especially designed to increase vocal volume through recalibration of the mind. Some other benefits of this treatment include improved articulation, intonation, facial expression, and neural functioning related to voice and speech.

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Feel Free To Contact Us Anytime

We are proud to have provided Ottawa with the highest quality of Speech and Language Therapy to both children and adults since 1999.  Feel free to contact us anytime to ask us any questions you may have or even schedule your first appointment.


    210 Centrum Blvd, Suite 216
    Ottawa, Ontario, K1E 3V7


    Tel: 613-824-1800
    Fax: 613-824-3306

